In My Opinion the whole business of reveling to the American people that Osama Bin Laden was dead was to help prepare the nation for the 2012 Presidential Election in favor of our current president. In past blogs and tweets I stated that I believed that our current President Barack Obama would win the next term and continue as President for yet 4 more years. I also stated that I did not believe that Miss Sarah Palin would have a chance at the presidency. I had always believed that she was being used as a pawn in the early years of President Obama's first 100 days and beyond.
What I have learned over the years by observing my government and their media tactics, is have skillful and crafty they are at controlling the mental attention of the American people. by offering our nation and the world, for that matter a continued diet of bread and circuses. It is estimated that nearly 111million people watch the Superbowl alone!
The U.S. Government and U.S. media operate as a smooth deception circuit, continually deceiving the American people about everything from clean air to terrorism. Our government cannot be trusted, our politicians cannot be trusted, our leadership cannot be trusted and most definitely THE MEDIA CANNOT BE TRUSTED. These beings, and I say being, because I'm not fully sure that they are people like you or I, nor am I convinced that they originate from the seed of Adam, but must be the seed of the Serpent, (who was a liar from the beginning of creation). Right now the Republican party is systematically disqualifying all would be candidates of the next presidential race, taking true competition out of the hands of candidates and taking away confidence from the hearts of the people for true and fair elections in this country. Further, the puppet masters have also taken away the validity and strength of our Constitution leaving us without a cover.
All of the things that Americans are experiencing in the economy today has been by design and carefully planned over at least, if not more than 60 years. This is the new world order folks and it is is going to get even more strange and out of focus for the holders to the constitution. But there is a very strong biblical reason for this. contrary to what most people would like to believe, American is modern day Babylon. The holy scriptures have already foretold her end and destruction in the book of Revelations chapters 14:8 and 18:2. So if you are a student of Torah or a lover of bible prophecy you will quickly recognize the signs of the times. Babylon the Great is fallen, fallen, fallen.
One more note every great historical nation that fully embraced homosexuality also fell without recovery. I understand that homosexuality has always existed, but nations who remained strong in their policies and did not focus on giving special privileges to this practice stood far longer in history than the nations that accepted and glorified the practice. So take heed America you have already crossed the threshold of Idolatry, fornication, and uncleanness and the handwriting is on the wall. not because of your president, but because of your un-repentant sins as a nation. and No, G-d will not bless America, no matter how many times you sing the song.