Sunday, February 14, 2010

Prudential Has a Grest Retirement Concept

Great information on retirement planning!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Fundamental Difference between Men and Women is?.....

Ok, besides the obvious physical differencesm the real fundamental difference between men and women is ....brainwave activity! What do you think?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Spring will be here sooner than you think, Are you ready for it?

Spring is coming , are your ready? Why not plan some wonderful new things for your family this spring? With all the scare of the recent H1N1 pandemic behind us, and weakening economic conditions settling in on us. Its time to get out of the duldrums be creative again. 

Create your own Springtime stimulus package. Make some crafts, handbags, handcrafted dolls and goodies, or bright colorful attractive wall decorations. Plan some nice outdoors activites for yourself and your kids or get the neighbors involved.  Its time to live again in America and pull our spirits up. Check out this wonderful site that I found and bring some fun and joy into your springtime!

By Alane Quien